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ISNetworld is a web-based contractor and supplier management system that is utilized by large organizations to help manage their various contractors and suppliers around the world. ISNetworld is a global resource for connecting Hiring Clients with safe and reliable contractors. Established in 2001, ISN is the global leader in contractor and supplier management.

ISNetworld facilitates the collection of self-reported information from contractors and maintains it in a centralized database. The information that is collected is configured to each Hiring Client's specific requirements and includes items such as:

  • Management System Questionnaire

  • Written Health & Safety Programs

  • Incident & Accident Records

  • Audit Results

  • Insurance Certificates
  • Workers Compensation and EMR Letters

The ISNetworld subject matter experts review the information contractors report, ensuring accuracy with the requirements set forth by their clients and regulatory agencies. ISNetworld also partners with multiple data providers to import training qualifications, audits, and other information into ISNetworld.

For more information, visit www.isnetworld.com